WOD 2/14

Buy In/Cash Out
3×10 DB Ext. Rotations

7 Rounds
3 Snatch Balances
Rest 1:00
7-1 Weighted Strict CTB Chin-ups @ 30X2
rest 2:00
*Post loads and notes to comments


10 Rounds
5 Toes to Bar
5 Russian Swings (24 K, 16K)
:15 Rest
:30 Jump Rope (Double unders, or singles)
*Time recorded

One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life. -Edward B. Butler

The Essentials
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AM Results
Mike 763 Rx
Mego 377 (KR)
Elizabeth ?
Andrew 536 (KR)
Mikey 805 (KR)
Melicious 657 (KR, 16K)
Nick 754 (Rx+Large Marge)
Jerry 287 (Rx, DU)
Sanjay ?
9am 735 (KR, 16K)
Kirk 613 (Rx, DU)
Rookie 849 (KR, S)
Ray 748 (RX, S)
Tannifer 801 (12K, KR, S)
Tall “D” 783 (16K, KR, S)
Bill ?
Jables 735 (KR, S)
Cat Cat ? (KR, +20K, S)
J.J. 551 (KR, S)
J.C. 817 (Rx, S)
Jesse 609 (KR, 12K, S)