WOD 2/14

Level Two

A1. Muscle-up Wave 5-3-1-5-3-1 Rest :60
A2. TnG Power Cleans Wave 5-3-1-5-3-1 @ 75-80% Rest :60
*Post notes to comments

4 Rounds
10 DB Walking Lunges/leg
5 Burpee Pull-ups
5 Ring Toes to Bar
* Record Time and DB Weight

Level One (Day 2)
Strict Chin-Ups

6 Rounds
100 M Run
5 Step-ups/Side
10 Tic Tacs/Side
*Time Recorded

Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your principles.” – Walter Cronkite

*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • We will have a New Member Orientation Seminar this Wednesday (2/15). Learn more and sign up here!
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!

Level 1 – AM
Faraon 7:23
Suzi 7:47
Lexi 5:41
Professor 8:15
Ed 7:39
Paul 9:02
Jamiee 9:23
Mischka 8:50
George 8:10
Zach 5:32
Austin 5:32
Level 2 – AM
Turk 11:15 45lb Rx
Shanahan 14:20 20lb Rx
Janice 12:32 20lb
MegO 13:33 20lb
9AM 15:56 40lb
Mikey 15:26 55lb
Elizabeth 13:18 20lb
Beast 14:58 25lb Rx
Brandon 16:01 35lb
Michael 11:45 35lb Rx
Kirk 12:27 35lb Rx
Bryan 12:45 35lb
Valyn 13:12 10lb
Becky 13:12 10lb
Erica 13:28 10lb Rx
Schittone 14:12 25lb Rx
Can2 14:21 45lb Rx
TowMatt 14:51 30lb
Sarah 16:15 UW
Michele 17:05 UW
MGJ 17:28 UW
Ballet 13:08 35lb Rx
Chris 12:36 35lb Rx
Ray 12:42 30lb Rx
Blake 13:31 45lb Rx
Jess 15:15 20lb
Emily 17:05 15lb
Ladies’ – AM
Chapel 20:46 10lb
Meg 15:33 15lb
Josie 20:50 8lb
Level 1 – 12P
Taylor 9:35
Stefan 8:47
Melissa 9:14
Bianca MOD
Angela 7:19
Anna 9:28
Jenn 8:46
Level 2 – PM
Winner 15:26 20lb
Crash 18:57 15lb
Eric 14:53 35lb Rx
Dan 13:57 35lb
Randy 15:31 25lb
Chaz 11:56 35lb Rx
Marissa 12:24 25lb
Heather 14:05 15lb
Sherman 15:05 30lb Rx
Shemo 15:05 35lb Rx
AG 13:47 35lb Rx
ABC 18:44 25lb
Ruffino 17:22 15lb
Pinkie 14:43 20lb
Stephen 15:24 35lb Rx
LG 15:38 15lb
Sleeves 10:44 45lb Rx
Uzi 11:16 25lb Rx
Greg 10:01 35lb Rx
Ryan 12:53 20lb Rx
Sanchez 11:15 30lb Rx
Nicole 12:36 15lb
Dillard 12:54 40lb Rx