WOD 2/16

3 x70%
3 x80%
3+ x90%


10 Minutes AMRAP
Overhead Lunges (45 lb, 25 lb)

On every journey you take, you are met with options. At every fork in the road, you make a choice. These are the decisions that shape your life. -Mike DeWine

Paleo Hacks

– The end of the Lean, Mean, and Clean Nutrition Phase is rapidly approaching, after pictures taken on Saturday February 20th!


AM Results
Mike 6 Rx
Rob 7 Rx
John 6 (25 lb)
Ray 6 Rx
Jerry 7 Rx
Stephen 7 (MOD)
Josh 5 Rx
Kristin 6 (10 lb, KPU)
Tow Matt 5 Rx
Amber 5 (KPU)
Kiehler No Show
Kim 6 (KPU)
PM Results
Cat 6 (KPU)
Sherman 6 (25 lb)
Tasha 6 (KPU)
G. 6 (KPU)
Claire 6 (KPU)
Michelle 6 (10 lb, KPU)
Betsy 7 (KPU)
Wes S. 5 (35 lb)
Courtney 7 (15 lb, KPU)
Winner 8 (15 lb, KPU)
Blake 7 Rx
Stacey 9 Rx
Jess 6 (25 lb)
Katherine 6 (15 lb, KPU)
Aurelia 7 (15 lb, KPU)
Christine 5 (15 lb, KPU)