WOD 2/16

Level Two
Strength Day / Make Up Day
A. Cleans x2x6 75-85% or 8 RPE Rest 2:00
B. CDL x4x4 62-66% of DL Rest 2:00
C1.Front Box Squat x5x3 Rest :90
C2. DB Jerk Unders x5x3 Rest :90

Level One (Day 3)
Back Squat

A1. Back Squats x5x3 32X1 Rest :30
A2. Seated DB Ext. Rotation x10-12×3 Rest :60
B1. DB Press x6-8×3 Rest 1:00
B2. RDLs x4-6x 3 @ 4111 Rest 1:00
C. Ab exercise of choice x30 reps

Use what talents you possess; the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.” – Henry van Dyke

8 Reasons Why You Act Against Your Own Better Judgment
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA. Workouts start next week!
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!

Level 1 – AM
Austin S
Doug S
Mischka S
Sandy S
Professor S
Faraon S
Edward S
Dusty S
Level 2 – AM
Ivan S
MegO S
Bubbles S
Albert S
Beast S
Brandon S
Celi S
Elizabeth W S
Janice S
Lane S
Cindy S
Sarah S
Haley S
Can2 S
TowMatt S
Schittone S
Gabriel S
Valyn S
Kirk S
Danimal S
Chris S
Chaz S
Liz S
Christina S
Michael S
Ray S
Ladies’ – AM
Caitlyn S
Trixsi S
Jenny S
LaRosa S
Emily S
Traci S
Snooki S
Meg S
Chapel S
Josie S
Level 1 – 12P
Brittani S
Stefan S
Megan S
Taylor S
Melissa S
Level 2 – PM
Boone S
Reis S
Mad Dog S
Kiehler S
Bryan S
Sanchez (Wed) 11:19 Rx
Marissa (Wed) 12:26 Rx
Chrissy S
Irl S
Jordan S
Shug S
Monk S
Gary S
Leah S
Colleen S
David S
Shanahan S
Veronica S
Crash S
Helen S
Greg S
Andy S
Charlie S
Wood S
Elena S
Level 1 – PM
Robby S
Colleen S
Zach S
Raquel S
Liz G S
Vanessa S
Angela S
Cooey S
Flury S
Mel S
Inline S
Matthew S
Hector S