WOD 2/20
A. Back Squat x1x6 @ 90% Rest 3:00
B. DL x1x6 @ 90% Rest 3:00
C1. Press x4x4 @ 80% Rest :30
C2. WTD Pull-ups by feel x4x4 Rest :30
C3. PU/Plank Walk (see below) x4 Rest 2:00
*5 Push-ups (Scale up Plyo)
10 Meter Plank Walk (appx. 3 mat lengths)
AMRAP Push-ups (-2) (All regular)
10 Meter Plank Walk
Skill: Kip / Jumping Pull ups
A. Chin ups or Chin over Bar holds x2/30 secs x 4
Ladder 6-1
Push ups
Kip/Jumping Pull ups
5 Rounds
50m Resisted Sprints (Just Tire)
5 Burpees w/ Max Jump
Rest 2 mins
“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” -Thomas Jefferson
Foundations – AM |
Katherine |
Performance – AM |
Carlos |
Ian |
Jenny |
Gage |
Ivan |
Nicole |
Brian |
Janet |
Sissy |
Michelle |
Tineke |
Sarah |
Josh |
Ken |
Lee |
Humberto |
Kara |
Matthew |
Vy |
Brian |
Fed |
Tow Matt |
Jessie |
LaShea |
Michael |
Ballet |
Red |
Silas |
Claudia |
Mr. T |
Roland |
Ray |
Erica |
Kevin |
Vince |
Page |
Andy |
Ladies Class |
Lulu |
Courtney |
Mer |
Foundations – Noon |
Ryan |
Foundations – PM |
Amy |
Performance – PM |
Sean |
Nicole |
Amy |
Jables |
Jonathan |
Julia |
Pinky |
Sean |
Matt |
Jean |
Pam |
Brooks |
Chrissy |
Rahul |
Christian |
Frank |
Heather |
Cassie |
Paul |
Taylor |
Nicole |
Carrie |
KJ |
Leah |