WOD 2/24

Mobility of the Day

All Levels

Over Head Squat x10x3 RPE 7
*post weights to comments

2 Rounds
10 Unbroken TnG Cleans (135lb, 115 lb)
10 CTB Pull ups
800m Run
*Time, Rx recorded


  • The Open is here! Workouts start at CFA start tomorrow! Learn more here.
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour on March 1st at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
  • Good luck to Liz and Cody as they compete in tomorrow’s Black Box Weightlifting Championships in Fort Worth!
  • This Sunday’s Yoga Class (2/26) will meet at 12:30pm instead of 11:00am this week only. Sign up here

Time to get up tomorrow CFA #paintitpink!

All Levels
Janice 11:03 (45lb, J)
Beast 14:55 (75lb, Chin)
Trixsi 11:24 (45lb, J)
Valyn 11:49 MOD
Marissa 13:49 (95lb, Chin)
Dusty 14:55 (35lb, J)
Mikey 13:41 Rx
9AM 12:57 (95lb, J)
Tow Matt 13:15 (95lb, Chin)
Raj 14:20 (35lb, J)
Guthrie 11:27 (65lb, J)
Hector 11:11 (65lb, J)
Ballet 10:47 (95lb)
Caitlyn 13:49 (45lb, J)
Erica 13:04 (65lb, J)
Ed 13:13 (67lb, J, Row)
Schittone 11:08 (65lb)
Teeny 12:41 (45lb, J)
Faraon 10:54 (65lb, J)
Kiehl 11:19 (75lb)
Chris 11:55 (95lb, Chin)
Walker 13:21 (65lb)
Ray 11:43 (95lb)
Rocky 14:00 (75lb)
Angela 10:55 (55lb, J)
Mer 14:03 (55lb, J)
Alan 10:20 MOD
Jenny 10:55 (65lb, J)
All Levels – 12P
Heather 11:51 (45lb, J)
Laila 10:30 (35lb, J)
Amy 15:22 (45lb, J)
Jess 12:02 (65lb, J)
Rick 9:45 (95lb, J)
Jesse 13:36 (75lb, J)
Stephan 14:10 MOD
Desiree 14:16 (35lb, J)
Chapel 15:06 (45lb, J)
Jewels 12:28 (50lb, J)