WOD 2/25

**The CrossFit Total will take the entire hour – Please arrive 15 minutes early to warm yourself up as the lifts will begin right at the top of class

Performance – COA Testing

CrossFit Total -Find a 1 rep max in:

1. Press
2. Back Squat
3. Deadlift

*max weights recorded
**Athletes will be expected to warm up before class time. As soon as class starts we will begin with the press.  The athlete’s will have 20 minutes to find a 1 rep max in each exercise, in order.

Foundations – COA Testing or:
Skill: Jump Progressions

A1. Front Squats x5x4 (Work up in Weight) Rest :10
A2. Back Extensions x5x4 Rest 2:00

Workout :
6 Rounds of  1 min AMRAP
6 Step-up @ 20”,16”
6 Touch Jump Touch intervals
Rest 1:00
*Record Total Reps
*Jump Rope Practice (Singles) during rest time

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” -Thomas A. Edison

Foundations – AM
Performance – AM pr bs dl
Ivan 175 275 415*
Sissy 75* 160* 185*
Carlos 95 225* 265*
Janet 858 195* 225*
Adrian 110 205* 270*
Gage 165 275 365
Lee 145* 235 355*
Josh 180* 295* 405*
Kara 75* 135* 155*
Mel 90* 165* 220*
Humberto 90* 165* 220*
Ken 115 265 305*
Vy 50 160* 205*
Sarah 70 145 195*
Matt 150* 265* 375*
Michelle 65* 125 155*
Rachel 45 105 105*
Red 70 145 175
Jesse 75 130 180
Jillian 90 200 225
LaShea 70 165 180
Jose 95 215 285
Robert 135 275 335
Tow Matt 155 275 315
Silas 145* 250* 300*
Mr. T 185 340 395
Nick 155 245 295
Ballet 145 215 265
Page 175 320 400
Andy 145* 225* 345*
Page 160* 295 325*
Mary 95 155 250*
Ray 145 290* 305
Erica 75* 229* 205
Blaz 195 495* 525*
Billy 135 235 300*
Mercy 95* 175* 275*
Ladies Class
Mer 90* 130* 220
Sophia 45 71* 130*
Karen 55* 65* 95*
Katie 70* 135* 115*
Foundations – Noon
Performance -PM
Chrissy 65 190 210
Brooks 155 310 355
KJ 85 180 185
Rahul 115 225 305
Carrie 97 190 275
Cassie 85 105 200
Paul 180 325 405
Ian 175 340 425
Missy 70 190 215
Brad 155 315 350
Nicole 90 175 245
JP 135 245 285
Sean 125 235 285
Jesse 135 265 300
Jessica 70 142 170