WOD 2/27
Performance – COA Testing
1:00 Max Double Unders
Division Options:
(Men & Women)
Rx: Double unders
D1: Double unders
D2: Singles
5:00 AMRAP
5 Thrusters
5 No Push Up Jump Over Bar Burpees
*Total reps recorded
Division Options:
Rx: M – 135 lb, W – 95 lbs
D1: M – 95 lb, W – 65 lbs
D2: M – 75 lb, W – 45 lbs
Foundations – COA Testing or:
Skill: Burpees
A1. Hip Hinge Y, T, L , W (Plates) x5/ea pos.x4 , Rest :30
A2. DB Press x6x4 Rest 1:00
Partner Workout (10 Minute Conditioning):
10 Minute AMRAP
200 M Run
AMRAP Burpees
50 M Farmers Walk
*Partners Run Together, Partner A does Burpees while Partner B Farmers Walk, then switch
*Total Burpees+ Rounds recorded
“I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” -Muhammad Ali
Foundations – AM |
Jim |
Arun |
Performance – AM |
Beverly |
LaShea |
Sean |
Mitch |
Matthew |
Vy |
Sarah |
Sissy |
Janet |
Michele |
Gage |
Braden |
Kara |
Adrian |
Melanie |
Tineke |
Lee |
Jessie |
Dayna |
Tow Matt |
Claudia |
Jose |
Red |
Michael |
Jillian |
Ballet |
Mr.T |
Matthew |
Tom |
Silas |
Erica |
Page |
Ray |
Ladies Class |
Lulu |
Mer |
Foundations – Noon |
Komal |
Andy |
Jimmy |
Foundations – PM |
Lauren |
Joy |
Sophia |
Performance – PM |
Chrissy |
Pinky |
Matt |
Austin |
Jean |
Sean |
Pam |
Heather |
Avtar |
Brad |
KJ |
Nicole |
Leah |