WOD 2/28

Mobility of the Day

Level Two
Hip Power Snatches
*Build to a heavy, but not max, double in 20:00
*weight recorded

7 Rounds
5 Hip Power Snatch (70-75% of Skill session final weight)
100m run
*Weights and time recorded

Level One (Day 8 )
Kipping Pull Ups

5 Minute AMRAP
7 Jumping Pull-ups
7 DB Thrusters
*Every minute, on the minute, perform 2 burpees
*Total completed rounds recorded

Never elated when someone’s oppressed, never dejected when another one’s blessed. – Alexander Pope

Sleep, Sleep, Sleep! How Artificial Lighting and Cortisol Impact Zzz’s
*Post thoughts to comments


  • The Open is here! Participants can complete this week’s WOD on Thursday during regular classes, Friday at Level 2 Open Gym, or on Saturday as a group! Learn more here.
  •  CFA will have a Happy Hour this Thursday (March 1st) at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out to meet and mingle with friends – new and old!
  • Congratulations to Liz and Cody for their performances at this weekend’s Black Box Weightlifting Championship! Big weights = new PRs and big success!!

Level 1 – AM
Marcelino 4
Zach 7
Austin 7
Guthrie 6
John 4
Mischka 3
Jamiee 3
Ed 5
Level 2 – AM
Kristin 7:34 55lb
Beast 8:18 55lb
Snooki 7:12 35lb
Janice 7:05 35lb
Albert 7:32 95lb
Bubbles 8:12 37lb MOD
Mike 6:51 75lb
MegO 9:08 37lb
JV 8:23 40lb
Elizabeth 8:44 40lb
Faraon 7:35 75lb
Charlie G 6:45 75lb
Cindy 13:12 35lb
Bryan 7:22 75lb
Can2 7:28 105lb
9AM 7:28 75lb
Schittone 7:17 65lb
Kirk 7:35 75lb
Tow Matt 7:57 75lb
Erica 6:51 55lb
Becky 8:30 35lb
MGJ 11:44 45lb
Caitlyn 8:19 35lb
Michael 6:50 75lb
CHris 6:52 65lb
Ray 7:26 75lb
Wood 7:07 85lb
Ladies’ – AM
LV 7:58 45lb
Meg 9:16 45lb
Chapel 10:24 45lb
Emily 12:08 40lb
Mer 2-Mile RT 19:53
Level 1 – 12P
Brock 8
Barb 4
Angela 5
Erin 5
Cat 4
Brittani 4
Trixsi 6
Level 2 – PM
Danny 6:10 85lb
Lance 6:11 95lb
Winner 8:26 40lb
Crash 8:45 45lb
Jables 7:54 50lb
Marissa 6:50 75lb
Dan 6:51 75lb
Eric 6:44 110lb
Randy 7:22 95lb
Alex 7:01 95lb
LaRosa 8:24 35lb
Veronica 8:31 35lb
Andy 8:17 75lb
Gary 7:41 75lb
Kaz 7:36 75lb
Tasha 6:50 35lb
Nic 6:17 95lb
Fro 6:29 95lb
Mrs. Fro 7:45 30lb
Greg 7:24 95lb
Nicole 7:48 35lb
Chrissy 7:16 45lb
Skipper 7:40 60lb
Ryan 7:48 80lb
Ross 7:11 75lb
LG 8:45 45lb
Sanchez 6:38 75lb
Jonathan 9:00 55lb
Helen 7:33 30lb
Mad Dog 6:21 35lb