WOD 2/3

Mobility of the Day

All Levels
3 Rounds
400m Run
10 KB Overhead Walking Lunges
8 Pull-ups

No one wants advice – only corroboration. -John Steinbeck

Go outside! (Why contact with nature is crucial for health)
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve added new class times! You can now get your sweat on with us at 5:30 am (All levels) and 5:30 pm (*Level 2, Open gym) on Fridays. 

All Levels – AM
MegO 14:18
Faraon 12:48
Turk 9:48
Snooki 9:57
Janice 9:28
Celi 13:01
Tow Matt 9:18
Kyle 8:40
Ed 11:02
Wade 9:58
Rob 8:02
Reis 8:24
Kristin 11:02
Valyn 10:49
Teeny 10:32
Bryan 8:51
Carissa 9:12
Schittone 9:38
Ray 8:06
Trixsi 8:45
Lexi 6:57
Mer 12:07
Kiehler 8:32
Ronnie 12:53
Laila 8:56
Lola 9:59
All Levels – 12P
Blake 8:46
Heather 9:25
Ryan 8:49
Amy 12:21
Thurst 10:52
Desiree 11:52
Canada 9:06
Danny 7:29
Chapel 12:58
Jenn 12:00
Paddy Ice 9:30
Jewels 10:21
Jeff 7:46