WOD 2/4

Mobility of the Day

All Levels
Test 9: “Fight Gone Bad”
*In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating.

3 Rounds of:
Wall-Balls (M: 20 lbs, W:14lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (M: 75lbs, W: 55lbs)
Box Jumps (20″ box)
Push-press (M: 75 lbs, W: 55lbs)
Row ( Max calories)

*The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athletes must move to the next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.


  • Don’t forget! Sign-up for the CrossFit Games Open has started! Click here to sign up and represent CFA!
  • Hip, hip, hooray! We’ve added new class times! You can now get your sweat on with us at 5:30 am (All levels) and 5:30 pm (*Level 2, Open gym) on Fridays. 

All Levels – 9AM
MegO 114 Rx
Darlene 247 Rx
Charlie K 232 Rx
BJ 265 Rx
Lane 223 Rx
Danimal 193 Rx
Can2 276 Rx
AG 287 Rx
Faraon 209 S1
TowMatt 250 S1
9AM 219 Rx
Matt B 248 Rx
Josie 192 S2
Emily 206 S2
Mel 230 S2
Dave 118 S1
MLS 213 Rx
Chrissy 250 S1
Jackie 253 S1
Leah 178 S1
Irl 190 S1
Trixsi 362 S2
Jill 366 S2
Anthony 219 S1
Gary 218 S1
MGJ 232 S1
Janice 250 S1
Snooki 198 S1
Elizabeth 230 S1
All Levels – 10AM
ABC 213 S1
Charlie G 252 S1
Beast 184 Rx
Erica 223 Rx
Haley 198 S1
Sarah 194 S1
Kirk 255 Rx
Michael 242 Rx
Caitlyn 188 S1
Mer 209 S1
Cindy 183 S1
Brittani 249 S1
Ronnie 228 S2
Raquel 295 S2
JV 171 Rx
LG 188 Rx
Colleen 211 Rx
Crash 171 Rx
Elena 193 S1
Becky 230 S1
JJ 197 S1
Andy 236 S1
KT 224 S1
Jenna 304 S1
Sherman 224 Rx
Kyle W 140 Rx