WOD 2/5


A. Ring Rows x5x5 Rest :60

B.1K Row

5 Rounds
10 KBS @ 24K, 16K
15 Wall Balls @ 20 lb, 14 lb
20 Double Unders
1 1/2 Gasser
*Time recorded 

Kipping Pull up

Jump Rope
2x30sec on / 30 sec Rest

Box Jumps
2×30 sec on / 30 sec Rest

4 Rounds
10 Jumping Pull ups
10 DB/KB Thrusters 30/20#
400m Run

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absense of fear.”  -Mark Twain


Foundations – AM
Rachel 3 rds
Victor 13:10
Michelle 14:25
Performance – AM
Kerri 19:54
Red 20:31
Sarah 19:34
Mel 19:34
Janet 19:15
Vy 19:21
Maureen 18:30
Braden 19:20
Josh 19:34
Ivan 19:42 rx
Matt 20:50
Courtney 20:39
Adrian 21:41
Mitch 19:25
Humberto 19:25
Gage 19:08 rx
Lee 18:26
Dayna 16:09 rx
Jillian 18:22
Kristen 19:04
LaShea 17:27
Claudia 19:05
Tow Matt 19:34 rx
Gilbert 18:57
Robert 18:34
Mr. T 19:33
Chase 18:04
Silas 19:31
Nicole 18:30
Jose 19:19
Erica 19:31 rx
Page 16:11 rx
Mer 18:19
Performance – Noon
Anjelica 21:11
Andy 22:04
Jared 20:02
Foundations – PM
Sarah 12:42
Performance – PM
Jessica 18:38
Sean 21:20
Madison 22:17
Missy 21:20
Austin 18:40
Simon 15:37
Courtney 17:00
Nick 14:52
Dustin 16:17
Velvet 18:00
Frank 20:28
Chrissy 20:43
KJ 18:52 rx
Chris 19:52 rx
Dan 19:33
Morgan 17:40
Brad 22:07 rx
Nicole 21:00 rx
Carrie 19:12