WOD 2/8

A. Build to a 5 RM in the Hang Power Clean & Jerk in 10:00

B. 6:00 E2O2
Hang Power Clean & Jerk
Set 1 x10 reps @ 80% of 5 RM
Set 2 x15 reps @ 65-70% of 5 RM
Set 3 x20 reps @ 55-60% of 5 RM

C. 21-15-9
Back Squat @ 135 / 95
Box Jumps @ 24/20
Deadlifts @ 135 / 95
Double Unders
*Time Recorded

Extra Credit:

10:00 EMOM

2 Muscle-up transitions
Kip Ring Dips x4-7×3

“Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul.” –Democritus
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