WOD 2/9

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5 @65%
5 @75%
5+ @85%


5 Minutes AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Everyone talks about rock these days; the problem is they forget about the roll. -Keith Richards

Paleo Life Expectancy

We’re proud to introduce the newest member of the CrossFit Austin team, Chad Vaughn.  Chad holds the  national record in the Clean and Jerk, and was a member of the United States Weightlifting team at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, and the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Chad is currently available for personal training, and will be teaching an Olympic weightlifting clinic on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM starting March 10th.

A message from Chad:
As I have traveled the world in competition I have taken the time to study the worlds best of the best in many different sports. Yes, their training methods and daily routines leading up to and during competition; but more than just that; as in the end there are many, many different methods and philosophies that will lead to improvement. I began to wonder; What did all these people have in common? It was simply that they ALL stuck with something, didn’t give up when things went wrong, persevered and became better for it, and SIMPLY showed up. SIMPLY showing up is MOST of the battle. If you want to improve and see how good you can be, in any sport or in your daily life, and want to meet whatever goal(s) you may have, then I challenge you to just SHOW UP!

AM Results
Rob 8 Rx
Boone 8 Rx
Jerry 7 Rx
Kristin MOD
Bill 4 (Jump)
Josh 5 Rx
Khieler 5 Rx
Andrew 6 Rx
Tow Matt 4 Rx
Amber 3 (Band, Knee)