WOD 3/13
A. 10:00 Group Run
B1. DB Front Raise x10x2 rest :10
B2. DB Lat Raise x10x2 Rest :10
B3. DB Reverse Fly x10x2 Rest :10
C.Skill Progression
Kipping Pull-ups
Skill Workout
15:00 EMOM
Kip Pull-up 1-5 Ascending
*Focus on doing as perfect a pull-up as possible
D. Mobility
3 Rounds
1:00 Foam Roller Thoracic Breathing Stretch
1:00 Lat on Box Stretch
10 Hollow Rock
Rest :30
Skill: Press, Push Press, Jerk
Build to a Heavy 3 in Press
Build to a Heavy 2 in Push Press
Build to a Heavy 1 in the Jerk
4 Rounds
100m Run
10 Speed Skaters
10 Burpees
10 KB Swings
Rest 1:30 rest
“Great effort springs naturally from great attitude.” –Pat Riley
Foundations – AM |
Kate |
Performance – AM |
Ken |
Sissy |
Gage |
Beverly |
Lee |
Ballet |
Jessie |
Brian |
Tow Matt |
Kevin |
Gilbert |
Jose |
Jana |
Michael |
Chris |
Ray |
Ladies Class |
Karen |
Courtney |
Mer |
Foundations – Noon Andrew |
Meridith |
Jillian |
Foundations – PM |
Joy |
Jim |
Mesgana |
Arun |
Performance – PM |
Matt |
Chase |
Nick |
Nicole |
Allyson |
Mr. T |
KJ |
Leah |
Rahul |
Nicole |