WOD 3/14

A. Spend appx 8:00 of practicing / learning  pistols or pistol progressions


E:90 O:90
3 Pistols (or progression) / Leg x 5 Sets

B. 16:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Back Squat @ 70-80%
Min 2 – 3/arm Single Arm Ring Row

*all sets across %

C. 7:00 AMRAP
30 Back Squats @ 155 / 95 / 55
Max DUs in remaining time
*total reps recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’: Tabata Row or Assault Bike

Scaling Guide:
– 100-350 reps.
– You might want to think about scaling up the weight if you are a good squatter and you don’t want to do hundreds of double unders.

“The present time has one advantage over every other – it is our own.” -Charles Caleb Colton