WOD 3/15

Body Comp Retest start today through the end of the week!

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or Side Planks 3 x :60/Side

“CrossFit Total”
1 RM Press
1 RM Back Squat
1 RM Deadlift
**You will have 20 minutes to find your one rep max in each of these movements.  We encourage everyone to get to the gym 10-20 minutes early to warm up, since class time will be limited.

Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances. -Benjamin Franklin

Recovery Methods
*Post thoughts to comments

-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information.

Entry Number 1 for the Best Push-ups Man Photo
(Extra credit for the mustache and cuteness combination)


AM Results P BS DL T
MG Jenny 65 65 140 270lb
Tow Matt 145 225 295 665lb
9am 145 245 325 715lb
Sam 125 155 285 565lb
Walker 90 145 205 440lb
Amy 45 110 155 310lb
PM Results
Heiny 115 225 175 403lb
LG 53 83 65 201lb
David 22:14
Kristin 85 125 193 403lb
Betsy 95 195 215 505lb
Jordan 105 150 205 460lb
Stephanie 80 175 235 490lb
JJ 135
Randy 130 245 285 660lb
Heather 58 103 133 294lb
Michael 135 225 305 665lb
Anthony 105 195 255 555lb
Debbie 83 138 243 464lb
Kavi 125 195 245 565lb
AG 185, 8:25 Rx (Cl,Fran)
Eric 115 135 215 465lb