WOD 3/15

Level Two
Make Up Day 

A. Press 5-5-5+ @ 75-85%, RPE 8-9 Rest 2:00
B. Sumo DL x3x5 @ 70-75% Rest 2:00
C1. Squat x10x3 (10 RM) Rest :60
C2. Strict Chin-ups x8-10×3 Rest 2:00

Cash out:
2 Rounds
10 Y’s
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges/leg
10 Clams/leg

Level One (Day 2)

Chin Ups

200 M Run

3 Rounds
10 Step-ups/Leg
10 Flutter Kicks

200 M Run
*Time recorded

“Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it’s addressed to someone else. – Ivern Ball

Two Ways to Hack Your Jumping Software
*Post thoughts to comments


  • The Open is here! Learn more here. Don’t forget to enter your score into the website each week for Wes to validate!
  • Congratulations to all of our Circle of Awesomeness Challengers on their amazing accomplishments over the past 6 weeks – y’all are truly awesome!
  • Coach Aaron’s 6-Week 5K Training Program starts next week! Learn more here.

AM – Level 1
Guthrie 5:24
EJ 5:12
Doug 5:13
Cam 5:33
Sandy 7:16
Eileen 8:34
Jennifer 5:23
George 4:57
Sam 6:48
Jamiee DNF
AM – Level 2
Suzi S
Ivan S
Jackie S
Charlie S
Bubbles S
Crisp S
Albert S
Becky S
Irl S
Caitlyn S
Gwar S
Sarah S
Haley S
Michael S
Erica S
Dusty S
Ballet S
Cindy S
Ty S
Lance S
David S
Chris S
Leah S
Christina S
MegO Open 76
Schittone Open 119
Ray Open 150 + 40
Ronnie S
L.V. S
Josie S
Jenny S
Jenna S
Courtney S
Meg S
12P – Level 1
Trixsi 4:23
Melissa 4:43
Angela 4:03
Barb 7:02
Pete 4:55
Kristen 6:12
Brock 4:23
PM – Level 2
Nicole Open 150 + 10
Rob L Open 150 + 90
Shug S
Matthew S
Dain S
Anthony S
Ryan Tues 4
Monk Tues 4
Gabriel Tues 4
Rob Open
Big Shug S
Matthew S
Dain S
Anthony S
Amy S
LaRos S
Cooey S
Andy S
Shemo S
Danny S
Elena S
Greg Open
Level 1-PM
Beth 10:49
Denise 7:04
Raquel 7:04
Elizabeth 7:38