WOD 3/16

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or Side Planks 3 x :60/Side

Challenge Make-up Day/Sectional Day

Sectional WOD
10:00 AMRAP
30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches

The Power snatch loads are as follows:
Men and Masters Men 45-49, 50-54: 75lbs/35kg
Women and Masters Women 45-54: 55lbs/25kg
Masters Men 55-59, 60+: 65lbs/30kg
Masters Women 55-59, 60+: 45lbs/20kg
*Total Reps Recorded

Full WOD Description (Please watch)

Judging Standards (Everyone Please Watch)

If you haven’t signed up yet you still can!!!

The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others. -Solomon Ibn Gabirol

Against the Grain
*Post thoughts to comments

-Make sure you get your body comp retested this week!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more informatio

Entry #2: 3D Push-up Man!

AM Results
Mego 135 (S, HPS, 35 lb)
Mike 315 (S)
Page 276 (S)
Jesse 180 (S, 45lb)
Ivan 174 (S)
Zayra 175 (S, 35lb)
Chaz 178 Rx
Kirk 149 Rx
9 AM 105 Rx
Nick 217 Rx
Wes 264 Rx
Jerry 207 Rx
Melicious 85 lb, 7:38 S2 (Cl, Fran)
Sam 138 (S)
Letty 165  (45 lb)
Ray 143 Rx
Fro 215 Rx
Krump 139 (35 lb)
Kim 220 (S, 15 lb)
Rob 163 Rx
G. 140 Rx
LG 88 Rx
Senator 126 (S, 65 lb)
Jon 131 Rx
JJ 121 (S, 65 lb)
Lance 159 (S, 45 lb)
Natalie 154 (S, 25 lb)
PM Results
Zoom 126 Rx
Boone 240 Rx
Christy 126 Rx
Tristy 147 Rx
Crash 131 Rx
Stephanie 86 Rx
Cat 180 (S)
Winner 107 Rx
Geno 150 Rx
Betsy 183 Rx
Blake 180 Rx

240 Rx

Nugget 323 Rx
Taylor 272 Rx
Stacey 255 Rx
Leigh 218 Rx
Aubrey 150 Rx
Tall-D 129 Rx
Jessica 264 (25lb, S)
Darlene 220 Rx
Carissa 140 Rx
Randy 90 (S)
Prince 120 Rx
Gena 141 Rx
Teeny 260 (S, 35lb)
Schittone 105 Rx
Neal 222 Rx
Alex 115 Rx
On Ramp
Chris 5
Suzy 2 1/2
Matt 4 1/3