WOD 3/18

Level 2
A1.  Strict Chin-ups x8-10×3 @22×1 Rest 1:00
A2. Single Arm Front Rack KB Reverse Lunges x6/leg x3 Rest :00 (switch hands half way through)
A3. Russian KB Swings x8-10×3 Rest :90

8 Rounds
8 Burpees AFAP
Rest 2:0

*Monthly Challenge*

Level 1
Hip Clean Progression
A. Hip Clean x1-3 x5

B1. Front Rack Reverse Lunges x3x5
B2. Strict chin-ups x3x5
C1. RDL x3x5
C2. Push-ups x3-5×5

Why Humans Like Taking the Easy Way out
*Post thoughts to comments

“The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least.” -Unknown


AM – Level 1
Wisdom 55
Ismael 95
Amanda 55
Sarah 55
JJ 85
Silas 75
Sean 95
Ross 75
Meggie 45
Raj 55
Carlos 85
Ebelia 65
AM – Level 2
Jackie 19 Rx
9Am 15.6 S
Eileen 20.3 S
Guthrie 13.25 Rx
Ben 16.4 Rx
Sam 15 S
Mitch 16.6 Rx
Ken 16.1 S
Schmidty 16.6 Rx
Sparker 15 S
Todd 13.5 Rx
Chris 15.25 Rx
Tow Matt 17.5 Rx
Ballet 13 Rx
Nick 17 Rx
Kyle 15 Rx
Michelle 5 S
Brad 15 Rx
Michael 5 S
Ray 13.5 Rx
Kayleen 20.25 Rx
Walker 17 Rx
Noon – Level 2
Jamey 13.7 Rx
49er 18 Rx
Anne 20.5 S
Snick 18 Rx
Dallas 11.5 Rx
Buck 14.8 Rx
Dixie 19.5 S
Mer 20 Rx
PM – Level 2
Shug 29.1 Rx
Mego 20.25 S
Ryan 15.75 Rx
AG 16 Rx
Marky Mark 17.9 Rx
Ruffino 22.5 Rx
Smitty 19 Rx
Leidy 24 Rx
Garrett 16.5 Rx
Desiree 25 Rx
Cowboy 16 Rx
Clint 13.8 Rx
Lindsey 19 Rx
Robert 21 Rx
Jillian 17.5 Rx
Avtar 19 Rx
Missy 17.8 Rx
Adrian 16.3 Rx
Christian 14.4 Rx
Deniss 19.2 Rx
George 13.1 Rx
C2 23 Rx
PM – Level 1
Zane 135
Nicole 55
Lynn 85
Zach 55