WOD 3/20
Bulletproof Shoulder Routine
A. Skill Progression
Freestanding Handstand and Strict HSPU Progressions
B.16:00 EMOM
Minute 1 – 1-3 Strict HSPU (What ever scale option needed)
Minute 2 – 3-5 Hollow Rocks
C. Mobility
3 Rounds
1:00 Foam Roller Thoracic Breathing Stretch
1:00 1/4 Split Squat Hold (:30/ leg)
Rest :30
Hip Snatch (to Squat or Power Pos.)
Back Squat
Workout (Strength):
A. Hip Snatch x2x6 (15:00)
B1. Low Box Squat x6-8×3 @ 31X0
B2. Supermans x5x3
C. RDL x6-8×3 @ 3111 (10:00)
“Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event.” –Brian Tracy
Foundations – AM |
Kate |
Jim |
Emily |
Performance – AM |
Carlos |
Brian |
Sissy |
Melanie |
Michelle |
Sarah |
Ken |
Jonathan |
Shauna |
Humberto |
Adrian |
Matthew |
Vy |
Ballet |
Gilbert |
Michael |
Jose |
Tom |
LaShea |
Mr.T |
Schittone |
Billy |
Mercy |
Ladies Class |
Mer |
Foundations – PM |
Mesgana |
Brande |
Chris |
Shanon |
Erika |
Arun |
Performance – PM |
Pinky |
Julia |
Jessica |
Matt |
Jeri |
Vince |
Pam |
Sean |
Madison |
Frank |
Heather |
Allyson |
Rahul |
KJ |
Carrie |
Brad |
Nicole |