WOD 5/24

Buy in/Cash out
Hip Bridges x10×3  @ 3023

Make-up/Skill/Strength Day

Strength Workout
A. CGBP x3x5 rest 3:00
B1. Squats x10x3
(Set 1: Set a new 10 RM by 5-10 lbs, Set 2 95% of 10 RM, 90% of 10 RM) rest 2:00
B2. Horizontal ring Rows x6-8 x3 rest 2:00
C1. Liftoff+DL x2+3×3 rest 1:00
C2. DB Muscle Snatch x6-8/arm x3 rest 1:00

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. -Anne Lamott

8 Big Things that lead to Success
*Post thoughts to comments

Murph Day 2011 is almost here get signed-up!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up here to attend.

Start em early!

AM Results
Letty Friday 32:55+Baby (10 lb)
Mego S
Jerry S
Kirk S
Sanjay S
Tall D S
David S
Andrew S
Nick I
Walker Helen 12:20 Rx
Ivan S
Kirk S
Michael S
Jenny A. S
Sam S
Stephen S
Amy S
PM  Results
Cat F 33:41 (10 lb, S)
Nikki S
Jennifer S
Kristin S
Cody S
Sherman F 30:58 (S)
Stephanie S
Randy S
G. F 29:12 (10 lb)
Betsy I
Christy I
Leigh I
Stacey I
AG F 27:38 Rx
Kaz F 25:25 Rx
Veronica S
LG W 26:37 MOD
Darlene S
Ryan S
Ross S
Cookie S
Eric S
Jessica S
Kavi Helen 18:25 Rx