WOD 3/25

Push Press
*Post loads to comments (refer to 3/16)


Thrusters (95 lb, 65 lb)
Swings (24K, 16K)

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. – George MacDonald

10 Reasons Diet Soda is total BS

Why Should I Attend the POSE Running Clinic?
– I feel like my leg are going to explode after 400 M because I’m not running efficiently.
– I’m constantly fighting stiffness, aches, and nagging pain in my knees because I don’t run correctly.
– I suck at running and it keeps me from beating Boone’s times!
Sign up now this Sunday from 11 AM to 3 PM

Tristy 4:52 (MOD)
JJ 7:37 (50 lb, 16K)
Ainsley 9:50 (15 lb DB, 20 lb)
Cat 10:02 (63 lb, 12K)
Alex 10:48 (75 lb, 35 lb)
Kirk 12:04 Rx
Pato 10:11 Rx
Ray 9:58 (75 lb)
Jerry 10:04 (80 lb, 35 lb)
John 10:38 (65 lb, 16K ROM)
Kristin 8:34 (MOD)
Stephanie 5:23 (MOD)
Adam 8:04 (75 lb, 16K)
Melanie 5:38 (MOD)
Bill 6:37 (10 lb DB, 12K)
Kiehler 7:45 (75 lb, 16K)