WOD 3/26

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or One Arm DB Muscle Snatch 3×8/Side

20 Minutes on the Minute Alternating
1-4 Strict Chin-ups @ 2010  
1-5 Air Squats @ 20X0
*Total Reps recorded


In 20 Minutes
4 Rounds
Max L-Sit hang
Max Calories Row in 1:00
*L-Sit seconds+Row Calories Recorded
*L-Sit seconds+Row Calories+Skill Sessions Reps=Total Score

-Next Monday, 3/28 we will be holding a two free Weightlifting Classes w/ Jodi Vaughn 2004 Olympic alternate
click here to sign up!
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar. Here is more information

The LawnMowers ?
The Kick Ass Brunettes 349
The Beaners 226
Team Hunter 259
Air DWA’s 629
Winners 449
Awesome Pants 562
Gale’s 407
Team Billy Jack 681
Armadillos 497
Team Mad Dog 313
Team Red 394
G-SQUAD 3 1/3
Team Obstacles 4 2/3