WOD 3/26

Level Two

Clean and Jerk x2x5 @ 80-90%, RPE 9 Rest 4:00
*3-5 Reps of Unbroken Kip CTB Pull-ups during rest
*Weight Recorded


10 Minute AMRAP
5 Dips
5 Push-ups
5 Burpees
100 M Run

Cash Out:
2 Rounds
Standing Hip Hinged 2 Minute Drill

Level One (Day 6)
A. Lift off+DL x3+2×3 Rest :90
B. Front Squat x4x3 @ 32X3 Rest :45
C1. Unweighted Step-ups x6/leg x2 Rest :45
C2. Chin-ups x6-12×2 Rest :45


“Discipline is remembering what you want.” – David Campbell

Strategies for Correcting Bad Posture (Part 4)
*Post thoughts to comments


  •  A new morning and evening bootcamp is starting at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails on April 2nd! Learn more here.

Level 1-AM
Sandy S
 Guthrie S
 Todd S
 George S
 Vanessa S
 Eileen S
 Taylor S
 Damon S
Level 2-AM
J.V. 60lb, 4 3/4
Charlie S
Janice 70lb, 5
Mego 55lb, 4
Brandon 155lb, 4
Celi 45lb, 4 3/4
Sparker 80lb, 5
Haley 35lb, 5 3/4
Cindy 65lb, 3 3/4
Reis MOD
Sarah 55lb, 4 1/2
Colleen 95lb, 7
Kirk 155lb, 5
Schittone 145lb, 5
Michael 145lb, 5
Hector 65lb, 4 1/4
Walker 93lb, 6 1/4
Ty 95lb, 5 1/2
Christina 65lb, 5 3/4
Ray 145lb, 7
Level 2-Noon
Lane 135lb, 6
Parnell 230lb, 4
Blake 230lb, 6
Cat 95lb, 5
Lance 185lb, 4
Heather 60lb, 6
Mer 45lb, 6
Jeff 145lb, 6
Wood 170lb, 5
Level 2-PM
Kaz 135lb, 4 3/4
Nic 185lb, 7 1/4
Tasha 85lb, 6 1/4
Josie 55lb, 4 3/4
Jenna 65lb, 6 1/2
Leah 70lb, 5 1/4
Matthew 145lb, 4 3/4
Sanchez 155lb, 5
Greg 155lb, 6 3/4
Rocky 155lb, 4 3/4
Lucas 165lb, 5 3/4
Raquel 50lb, 5
Nicole 70lb, 7 1/2
Adrian 95lb, 5
Shug 75lb, 4 3/4
Cooey 115lb, 4
Corey 135lb, 6 1/4
Helen 45lb, 5 1/2
Elena 50lb, 7 1/4
Randy 95lb, 4
Desiree 95lb, 5
Angela 65lb, 6
Anita 90lb, 6 3/4
Bryan 125lb, 6
G 80lb, 6
Anthony Mc 125lb, 5
Beast 115lb, 5
Brittani 65lb, 6
Dan 140lb, 6
 Andy  135, 5
Level 1-PM
Storyme S
Brandon S
Tanya S
Eric S
E.J. S
Odindu S
Liz S
Linda S
Mr. T S
Tony S
Rachel S
Alyson S
Denise S
Fran S
Pam S
Johanna S