WOD 3/28

Level Two

3 Rounds for Quality
10 Kip Pull-ups (Ring Rows)
10 Dips (Push-ups)
10 OVHD Squats (Wall Squats)
10 Sit-ups
10 Supermans


2 Rounds
500 M Row (Time Trial)
rest 10 Minute
*Time Recorded

Cash Out

:90 Hamstring Stretch on each Leg
2:00 Minute Hip Hinge Hold

Level One (Day 7)


Hip Clean
Push Press


1 Mile Run Time Trial (15:00 Cap)

Nutrition and Depression

“In nature there are neither rewards or punishments — there are consequences.” – Robert G. Ingersoll


  •  A new morning and evening bootcamp is starting at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails on April 2nd! Learn more here.

Level 1 – AM
Linda 11:07
Eileen 12:22
Level 2-AM
Bubbles 2:07
Albert 1:40
Mike 1:39
Celi 2:32
Elizabeth 1:59
Can2 1:37
Tow Matt 1:44
Ballet 1:43
Paul 2:07
Valyn 2:19
Hector 1:50
Adam 1:48
Jeff 1:49
Christina 2:06
 Blake  1:49
 Parnell  1:41
 Heather  2:09
 Thurst  1:59
 Laila  2:11
 Stephen  1:39