WOD 3/31

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

5 Rounds
2 Snatches
:30 Rest
5 Strict Toes to Bar
1:00 Rest
*Post weights to comments


5 Rounds
2 Clean and Jerks
:30 Rest
AMRAP (-3) Handstand Push-ups
1:00 Rest
*Post weights to comments


500 Meter Row Time Trial
*Time Recorded

In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration. -Ansel Adams

Getting to sleep
*Post thoughts to comments

-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up
-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  It will be held April 6th at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information

AM Results
Chaz 1:31
Tow Matt 1:40
Mikey 1:40
Erica 2:32
Dana 2:12
Angela 2:22
Kim 2:34
Stephen 1:36
Tall D. 1:43
Letty 1:53
PM Results
Sherman 1:44
Cat 2:27
Hal 1:49
Arnie 2:02
Christy 2:13
Stephanie 2:08
Blake 1:37
“G” 2:07
Fro 1:32
Rookie 1:35
Jordan 1:52
Jennifer 2:13
Randy 2:03
Jeanette 2:12
Leigh 1:41
Skipper 1:45
Cara 2:24
J.V. 2:08
Lana 2:10
Young 1:44
Eric 1:49