WOD 4/15

Buy In/Cash Out
Accumulate 2:00 of Monster Walks

5 Rounds
:30 Single Leg Jump Rope
:30 Rest
:30 Wall Balls
:30 Rest
:30 Lateral Hurdle Hops  
:30 Rest
*Steady pace work 70-80%


5 Sets
3 Back Squats @ 40X0
*work to a challenging weight not a 3 RM, strict tempo (don’t pause at the top)
*Rest 3:00-5:00 b/t sets

NEW CLASS HOURS: starting April 21st, our Thursday morning class hours will be 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30am.
-Free WOD, Saturday April 23rd at 11:00am.  Sign your friends and family up here!
-HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows, Thursday April 28th at 7:30pm.  Yes, that’s right…it’s STEAK night again!! 
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information.