WOD 4/15
Performance & Foundations
Two Person Teams
100 Double Unders
80 Russian KBS @ 24K/16K
60 Burpees
*One person works at a time Work can be split in any fashion
then immediately begin
Rowing Ladder
500 M – 400 M – 300 M – 200 M – 100 M
*Each athlete will row each distance one athlete works at a time
*Total time recorded
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” –Bruce Lee
Performance & Foundations – AM | |
Gage/Josh | 20:50 |
Sarah/Shauna | 22:35 |
Alex/Ivan | 19:21 |
Brooks/Braden | 19:23 |
Matt/Vy | 21:14 |
Adrian/Lee | 23:41 |
Janet/Humberto | 23:05 |
Sissy/Mel | 24:18 |
Page/Ballet | 19:57 |
Claudia/LaShea | 23:37 |
Matt/Jose | 21:15 |
Red/Jessie | 23:55 |
Nick | 15:45 |
Gilbert/Steve | 23:37 |
Ray/Billy | 19:45 |
Mercy/Jenny/Erica | 21:38 |
Ladies Class | |
Mer | 17:08 |
All Levels – Noon | |
Bianca | 19:56 |
Performance – PM | |
Gil/Ian/Brian | 21:05 |
Malia/Amy | |
Jeri/Jessica | 21:49 |
Jeanette/Joy | 25:54 |
Phil/Matthew | 21:26 |
Kevin/Kline | 26:00 |
Sean/Chris | 21:44 |
Kristine/Ade | 23:43 |
Jarret/ABC | 21:45 |
KJ/Nicole | 22:01 |
Mark/Allyson | 19:05 |
Carrie/Missy | 23:16 |