WOD 4/17

4 Rounds
30 Squats
10 Power Cleans (155 lb, 105 lb)
5 Hand Stand Push-ups

People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don’t know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to. -George Allen

Competitive Eating

**ANNOUNCEMENT**- If you are interested in looking better, feeling better, or being a better CrossFitter you should be attending our Nutrition Seminar this Saturday.  Please RSVP to the comments.


Linda         3:57 (2 rd: 10 Squats, 100 M Row, Bench Push ups)
Blake          10:12 (75 lb HPC, Pike PU)  
Kristin          11:12 (45 lb, Pike PU) 
Andrew          12:25 (95 lb, Pike PU)