WOD 4/2

Buy In/Cash Out
Gymnastics WOD or 3 sets of a L-Sit Hold (:10 accumulated/set minimum)

Team WOD

15 Minutes on the Minute
3 Perfect Push-ups (KPU=1 pt, Standard=2 pts, Ring PU=3 pts)
6 Perfect Squats (Air Squats=3 pts, Pistols=6 pts)
*Points recorded


10:00 AMRAP
100 M Sprint
Max UB Double Unders
*Total Double Unders Recorded
*Points+Double Unders=Total Score


In 10 minutes complete:
10-15 Reps of Muscle-up Progression of your choick
*broken up however you see fit, but do not hit failure


In 20 Minutes find:
1 RM Clean and Jerk


3 Rounds
OVHD Squats (135, 125, 115)

Make-up Sectional WOD

-April 5th is our next free workout at 7:00pm at CFA.  Invite all your friends and family to come check it out.  Sign up
-CrossFit Austin Ladies’ night will be moving to Wednesday in April.  It will be held April 6th at 7:00pm at Ginger Harvey and Stephanie Stinson’s house at 712 West Annie Street Unit B, Austin 78704.
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information

AM Results
Kavi 459
G 467
Rob 430
Zoom 424
Sleeves 8:58 (CC)
Geno 15:48 (CC)
Jerry 12:13 (CC)
Tow Matt 545 Rx
Boone 645 Rx
Erica 386 (S)
Amy 462 (S)
Dain 651 (S)
Joe ?
Michael 729 (S)
LG 347 (KPU)
Miguel 12+1PU
Gena 10+6PU
Leigh 10+3DL
Darlene 9+11PU
Carissa 8+9DL
Fro 7+11PU
Stacey 11
Cody 9+1 DL