WOD 4/20

Buy In/Cash Out
2:00 Shin Against the Wall Stretch

20:00 AMRAP
5 Power cleans (145lbs, 100lbs)
10 Toes to bar
15 Wall balls (20lbs to 10′ target, 14lbs to 9′ target)
**If you are competing, watch this VIDEO!

Run Like the Wind…Then Walk
*Post thoughts to comments

“To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift” -Steve Prefontaine

-NEW CLASS HOURS: starting this week, April 21st, our Thursday morning class hours will be 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30am. 
-Free WOD, Saturday April 23rd at 11:00am.  Sign your friends and family up
-HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows, Thursday April 28th at 7:30pm.  Yes, that’s right…it’s STEAK night again!! 
-April 30th, CFA is hosting Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic Seminar.
Here is more information.

What is Jenn doing in the background…anyone?

AM Results
Zayra 6 Rnds + 13 WB (45lbs, KR, 10lbs)
Erica 6 Rnds + 12 WB (45lbs, KR, 10lbs)
Steven 5 Rnds + 13 WB (135lbs)
Ivan 5 Rnds + 1 PC Rx
Mike 6 Rnds + 2 PC Rx
Mego 5 Rnds + 5 PC (45lbs, KR, 10lbs)
Mikey 6 Rnds + 4 WB (115lbs, KR)
Jesse 6 Rnds + 2 KR (75lbs, KR, 10lbs)
Nick 7 Rnds + 4 WB Rx
MG Jenny 5 Rnds + 7 WB (35lbs, KR, 6lbs)
Letty 8 Rnds + 5 PC (65lbs, KR, 10lbs)
Ray 6 Rounds + 4 PC Rx
Christy 7 Rnds + 1 PC (65lbs)
Angela 7 Rnds + 4 WB (45lbs, KR, 6lbs)
Rob 6 Rnds + 2 WB Rx
Senator 4 Rnds + 6 WB (75lbs, KR, 15lbs)
Heather 7 Rnds (45lbs, KR, 10lbs)
Courtney 7 Rnds (55lbs, 10lbs)
Jables 4 Rnds + 1 PC Rx
Zoom 5 Rnds + 3 TTB (65lbs)
PM Results
Colleen 8 Rd+1 PC (65, 15)
Ryan 5 rd + 7 WB (135 lb)
Crash 7 Rd + 5 WB (55, KR, 10)
Stephanie 9 Rd + 10 KR (65, 15 lb)
Winner 6 rd (65 lb, KR)
Betsy 6 Rd + 7 WB Rx
Ryon 6 Rd + 8 PC (135)
Cody 6 rd + 6 TTB Rx
Blake 7 Rd + 5 TTB Rx
G. 6 Rd + 5 TTB (75 lb)
Amy 6 Rd + 3 PC (45, KR, 6)
Geno 6 rd + 5 PC Rx
LG 4 rd + (63 lb, KR, 10)
Jennifer 7 rd + 2 PC (55 lb, KR, 10)
Danielle 8 rd + 2 PC (55 lb, KR, 10)
Jon 8 rd + 4 TTB Rx
Joe 5 rd + 3 WB (105)
Stacey 9 rd + 8 TTB Rx
Jenn B 7 (MOD)
Anthony 5 rd + 5 WB (95)
Prince 5 rd + 1 PC (115, KR)
Fro 7 rd Rx
Gena 8 rd + 9 TTB Rx
Cat 4 rd +10 TTB
Carissa 4 rd + 4 PC Rx
Darlene 7 rd + 4 TTB Rx
Jessie 6 rd + 10 TTB
Michael 6 rd + 10 KR
Sleeves 8 rd + 4 PC Rx
Jerry 7 rd + 2 PC Rx
AG 5 rd + 9 TTB Rx
Tini 8 Rd + 3 KR (45, 10)
Jessica 6 Rd + 6 WB (65)
Lana 5 Rd + 2 KR (35, 10)
Ryan Y 5 Rd + 2 WB (95, KTE)
Patrick 8 Rd + 5 PC (115)
Ross 4 Rd +3 KTE (115)
On Ramp
Jenna 4:45
Steven 4:34