WOD 4/22

A. 12:00 EMOM
Min 1: Front Rack Step-ups x10 / leg x3
Min 2: SL DL x10/legx3
Min 3: Sumo Good Morning x10 x3
Min 4: Rest
*Same weight for step-ups and good mornings

B. 2 Mile Relay Race
*Two Person Teams each alternate every 400 M.

C. 3 Rounds
8-10 / arm Single Arm KB Rows
:60 of Hollow Holds
Rest :60

Congrats to Stacey Magnesio on qualifying for Regionals! Here’s an awesome blog post she wrote for us around this time last year.
{check it out}
We’re so proud of you Stacey! #ChasingStacey
