WOD 4/24

Level 2 – Week 6 of 8, Week 3 Work Capacity Focus
4 Rounds
400 M Sprint @ 90-95% effort
8:00 Rest


Level 1 (TEST)
Wall Balls (TEST)


4 Rounds
15 MB OVHD Sit ups
10 Wall Ball
5 Burpees
200m Run

Bacon Mistakes To Avoid: How To Cook Bacon
*Post thoughts to comments

“We have a strategic plan.  It’s called ‘doing things’.” -Herb Kelleher


Level 2
Ruhlin 1:20
Sissy 1:41
Ebelia Mod
Mego 1:44
Sarah 1:39
Jillian 1:34
Ismael 1:15
Kayleen 1:31
Dixie 2:11
Avtar 1:25
Robert 1:12
Chow 1:22
Jeri 1:24
Gabriel 1:26
Garrett 1:07
Marky Mark 1:12
AG 1:19
Amber 1:22
Pinky 1:33
JMo 1:25
Sadie 1:22
Desiree 1:44
Kristen 1:37
Ryan 1:18
Andrew 1:14
Maureen 1:12
C2 1:37
 Level 1
Anthony 16:42
Ross 18:38
Angelica 17:27
Maria 10:26
Meggie 10:23
Silas 13:18
Diana 13:00
Jose 10:16
Ruth 12:38
Whitney 14:38
Patrick 11:16
Kristin 12:32
Nicole 13:01
Zach 11:57
Erin 12:53
Chris 10:44
John 9:56
Sindy 14:57
Lorin 15:18
Lisa 15:39
Kristin 11:54
Keith 14:52