WOD 4/28
A. 12:00 Alt. EMOM
Min 1 – :10-:15 WF Handstand
Min 2 – Row Pike Up 3 reps @ 3333
Min 3 – Strict Ring Dip 4 reps @ 33X1
*If you have muscle-ups muscle-up in to the first reps
B. 12:00 EMOM
5 Kip CTB Pull-ups
4 PC to OVHD @ 135/95
3 Burpees Box Jump Step-down 24/20
*Sets completed under :30 recorded
*If set isn’t completed under a minute rest the following minute
**Extra Credit**
3 Rounds
12 DB Bench Press
12 Diamond Push-ups
*Last 2 reps should be difficult
New cycle of The Prep starts Monday, May 4 >>>> Get Prepped!
“Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.” –Michael Jordan