WOD 4/29


  • CFA will host a  BBQ/Potluck this Saturday (5/4) at 12:00P.M.   In celebration of the end of Test Week! The BBQ will follow Coach Miguel’s Muscle-Up Skill Session
  • CFA’s Youth Fitness Program Preview Event will take place on May 18th at 10:00A.M. this event is open to both the children of members and non-members.
  • Keep an eye out for the CFA Newsletter coming out this week.  We’ll be giving you a sneak peak into some of the projects we have in the works. Here’s a hint: It is time to dust off your Speedo.

Level 2 – Week 7 of 8 Test Week
Max Power Snatch in 30 Minutes
2400 M Run Time Trial 12:00 Minute cap

Level 1 (Test)
Box Jump Progressions

25 Wall Ball (Buy in, Test)
10:00 AMRAP
10 Box Jump
10 Wall Ball
10 Ring Rows
300m Run

Plank Test (TEST)

7 Reasons Why Fat is Your Friend

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” – John F. Kennedy



Level 1
Jo 2 2/3
Eric 2 1/3
Ashlee 2 2/3
Red 2 1/3
Diana 2 2/3
Laila 2 1/3
Jose 3
Page 3
Velvet 2 3/4
Nicole 2
Jen 1
Kristan 2 3/4
John 3
Zach 3
Matt 3
Chris 3
LuLu 2
Ruth 3
Lisa 2 1/2
Lorin 2 3/4
Meany 2 1/2
Kristan 3
Level 2
Kara 65 10:28
Ebelia 65 11:56
Mitch 135 11:51
Big Spoon 145 9:59
Carlos 85 11:43
Juan Carlos 115 11:43
Ken 115 11:15
Nicole 85 11:34
Kristi 95 12:51
Eileen 95 13:15 (1600m)
Jillian 70 12:08
Ed 95 11:18
Ismael 115 9:18
Sarah 55 13:22
Kyle 160 9:255
Chaz 155 10:39
Ray 145 10:30
Erica 100 12:02
Jeff 135 11:24
Spencer 135 12:08
Eric 145 9:19
Garrett 115 10:13
Kat 75 13:20
Mer 85 13:22
Gabriel 145 13:22
Shana 95 10:50
Gil 150 13:02 (2000m)
Josie 60 12:09 (2000m)
G 60 12:05
Marky Mark 125 10:36
George 155 11:47
David 145 9:40    (Row)
Miss Fro 75 11:35  (Row)
KJ 70 12:20
Missy 70 12:40
Kavi 120 10:36  (Row)
AG 190 9:13    (Row)
Kinchen 105 11:03
C2 70 12:32
Andy 175 12:20 (2000m)
Ryan M 135 11:02
Desiree 85 12:49 (2000m)
Shug 80 13:27 (2000m)
Frank 45 14:32
Ryan C 125 12:39