WOD 4/3
Level 2
**Skill Day**
10 Rounds for Quality
2-3 Forward Rolls (Scale up forward roll to Pistol)
3-5 Russian KB Swings
3-5 Box Jumps (Step Down)
3 Hollow Rocks
3 Superman Rocks
Post time permitting: Monthly Challenge
Handstand Holds/Walks: Wall —> Walk —> Freestanding
Level 1
MQ x10x3 – Include Hip Hinge MVMT, Push-ups
Kip Swing/Jumping Pull-up
*Go through Progression
Wall Balls
*Go over different weights of med balls and heights on the wall
3 Rounds
400m Run
15 Wall Balls
10 Jumping Pull ups/ Kip Pull ups
*Time Recorded
15:00 Cap
12 Reasons You’re Not Losing Fat
*Post thoughts to comments
“Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” -Yoda
AM – Level 1 | |
Lorin | 16:54 |
Carlos | 16:54 |
Emily | 11:06 |
Lee | 11:10 |
Ebelia | 12:24 |
Keith | 10:36 |
Angelica | 14:14 |
Red | 11:57 |
Sarah | 11:01 |
Jose | 9:17 |
Juan Carlos | 9:47 |
Ismael | 9:05 |
Gregg | 10:00 |
Diana | 11:53 |
Ana | 10:54 |
Ashlee | 12:05 |
Vanessa | 10:10 |
AM – Level 2 | |
Schmidty | |
KJ | |
Janet | |
Kristi | |
Mitch | |
Sean | |
Sissy | |
Ed | |
Jillian | |
Jessie | |
Ballet | |
Page | |
Tow Matt | |
Bryan | |
Level 2- pm | |
Walker | |
49er | |
Avtar | |
Dixie | |
Ginny | |
Dustin | |
Josie | |
Bradly | |
Kat | |
Jerry | |
Kyle | |
Amber | |
MegO | |
Russel | |
Level 1 – pm | |
MGJenny | |
Brandy | |
Nicole | |
Ashley | |
Lyn | |
Michael | |
Zach | |
Dinorah | 13:44 |
Lori | 12:40 |
Andrew | 13:27 |
Paula | 12:21 |
Erin | 12:09 |
Jeremy | 10:54 |
Brennan | 12:15 |