WOD 4/5

Level Two
A. Clean to thruster x3x6 Rest 2:00
B1. Hang Snatch High Pulls x3x4 Rest 1:00 
B2. Box Dips 5-5-5-AMAP-2 Rest 1:00 
C1. Box Jumps x4x4 Rest 1:00 
*Highest Box attainable with good quality

Cash Out:
Right/Left Side Planks x 45 sec x 3 Rest 1:00 
Lateral Wall Walks x 10ft/ea way x 3 Rest 1:00

Level One (Day 11)
Knees to Elbows/Toes to Bar
Box jumps

10-Minute AMRAP
5 Toes to Bar
5 Box Jumps (step down)
5 Push-ups
20 Single Jumps
*Total completed rounds + additional reps recorded

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Albert Einstein

You Need More Sleep
*Post thoughts to comments


  • A new morning and evening bootcamp starts this week at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails on April 2nd! Learn more here.
  • Mark your calendars: CFA will have a “Risky Run” Pub Run on April 13th… More details here.

AM – Level 1
Loren 7
Andrew 7
Zach 8
Natalie 8
Am – Level 2
Charlie S
Bubbles S
Janice S
MegO S
Sparker S
Raquel S
Cindy S
Haley S
Sarah S
Ballet S
Michael S
Valyn S
Erica S
Irl S
Sandy S
Tim S
Schittone S
Can2 S
Dusty S
Paul S
Ray S
Hector S
Lexi S
Chris S
Mikey S
Danimal S
AM – Ladies’
Josie S
Jenny S
Emily S
12P – Level 1
Brock 9
Fernando 5
Alan 7
Monk 9
Melissa 9
Todd 7
PM – Level 2
Rob S
Tristy S
Danny S
Randy S
Brittani S
Kristin Mon 11:01
Gary S
Justin S
2toned S
Colleen S
Andy Wed 18:20
Angela S
Parnell S
Wood S
Vanessa S
Leah S
Darlene S
Pinkie S
Ruffino S
LaRosa S
Jenna S
Elizabeth S
Sting S
PM – Level 1
Kristen 7
Jennifer 8
Stefan 6
Connor 8
Stephen 7
Mischka 5
Jeff 7
Denise 6
George 8
Mr. T 6
Melanie 5
Janet 6
Pam 5
Melissa 7
Eric 7
Tony 7
Brandon 8