WOD 4/9

Level Two
“Max Out Monday”
A1. Hang Power Snatch x1x8 @ 85-90% (RPE 8-9) Rest 3:00 

3 Rounds
400m Run
20 Front Rack Walking Lunges (95 lb, 75 lb)
500m Row

Level One (Day 12)

KB Swings
Handstand Push-Ups

A. Deadlifts 3×5 Rest 1:00
B. FR Reverse Lunge x6-8/leg x3 Rest 1:00

“Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.” – Charles Swindoll

Is Coconut Water Nature’s Sports Drink?
*Post thoughts to comments


  • We’ve started a new morning and evening bootcamp at 1379 Running @ Arbor Trails! Learn more here.
  • Mark your calendars and get those tube socks out! CFA will have a “Risky Run” Pub Run on April 13th (this Friday!)… More details here. 


AM – Level 1
Holland S
Eileen S
Lindsey S
Amber S
Tanya S
Loren S
Eric S
Sean S
Cam S
AM – Level 2
Brandon 125lb 19:11 Rx
Doug 115lb 20:20 Rx
JV 60lb 20:17
9AM 140lb 22:10 Rx
Mike 135lb 18:20 Rx
Tim 165lb 20:05 Rx
Sandy 15lb 18:50 MOD
Reis 155lb 17:33 Rx
Michael 135lb 16:40 Rx
Ballet 120lb 19:49 Rx
Janice 65lb 19:37 (65lb)
Gwar 115lb 19:37 Rx
Guthrie 145lb 18:45 Rx
Jeff 125lb 19:37 Rx
Walker 83lb 19:19 (35lb)
Ray 125lb 18:35 Rx
Wade 95lb 18:16 (75lb)
Colleen 55lb 17:08 (45lb)
Angela 50lb 16:47 (35lb)
Jenna 45lb 17:42 (45lb)
Gary 95lb 18:40 (75lb)
12P – Level 2
Lance S
Desiree 65lb 20:15 Rx
Jess 75lb 19:16 (45lb)
PM – Level 2
Greg 135lb 17:02 Rx
Tasha 65lb 18:10
Jables 75lb 19:13
Crash 65lb 22:16
Randy 147lb 22:58 Rx
Dan 115lb 17:55 Rx
Kristin 80lb 19:34
Winner 65lb 20:26
Ed 105lb 23:35 Rx
Parnell 155lb 16:06 Rx
Ivan 155lb 18:20 Rx
Paul 95lb 21:13 (55lb)
LG 75lb
Jordan 85lb
Zach 105lb
Emily 50lb
Matthew 115lb
Marc 135lb
Elena 50lb
Leah 55lb
Adrian 115lb
Andy 115lb
LaRosa 60lb
Sanchez 137lb
Shug 70lb
KT 75lb
Nicole 50lb
Cooey 115lb
Elizabeth 15lb
Mischka 45lb
AG 157lb
Josie 50lb
Corey 115lb
PM – Level 1
Mr. T S
Natalia S
Egan S
Cody S
Krista S
Rita S
Stormye S
Jamey S
Alan S
Andrew S
Duffy S
Pokerface S
Jeff S
Missy S
Janet S
C2 S
Murray S
Denise S
Linda S
Matthew S
George S
Lauren S
Rachel S
Alyson S
Jo S