WOD 5/2
Buy In/Cash Out
:60 Hollow Rock or Hold
A1. Split Squats/Leg x8-10 x3 Rest :30
A2. Dips x6-8 x3 Rest :30
A3. Heavy KB Swings x20 x3 Rest 1:00
CTB Pull-ups 8-6-4-2
Press @ 60% 2-4-6-8
The first recipe for happiness is: Avoid too lengthy meditation on the past. -Andre Maurois
Get up, Stand up
*Post thoughts, non sitting strategies to comments
– Murph 2011 is here!
AM Results | |
Mike | 1:59 (75lbs) |
Mikey | 4:39 (86lbs, GB) |
Mego | 3:19 (30lbs, J) |
Nick | 2:30 (100lbs) |
Matt | ? (75lbs, RB) |
Kirk | 3:10 (100lbs) |
Mel | 3:11 (50lbs, GB) |
MG Jenny | 5:30 (45lbs, J) |
9am | 3:22 (95lbs, GB) |
Jenny | 5:35 (35lbs, GB) |
Dana | 2:50 (35lbs, GB) |
Blake | 2;19 (110lbs) |
Cat | 2:53 (60lbs, COB) |
Rob | 2:09 (95lbs) |
Ray | 1:57 (75lbs) |
Noon | |
Heather | 4:27 (40lbs, RB) |
Natalie | 3:43 (35lbs, J) |
Lance | 3:30 (75lbs, RB) |
PM Results | |
Boone | 2:25 (95lb) |
Cody | 2:35 (90lb) |
Betsy | 3:13 (65lb) |
Letty | 3:33 (37lb, GB) |
Winner | 3:33 (45lb, COB) |
Jeanette | 2:38 (45lb, Jump) |
Randy | 3:45 (65lb, RB) |
Andre | 4:34 (65lb, GB) |
Snookie | 2:15 (35lb, Jump) |
Kaz | 5:45 (65lb, RB) |
Stacey | 2:36 (65lb) |
G | 3:15 (45lb, COB) |
Christy | 2:46 (45lb, COB) |
Julie | 3:45 (40lb, Jump) |
Leigh | 2:17 (65lb) |
Sleeves | 2:45 (95lb) |
David | 2:27 (115lb, COB) |
Aubrey | 2:44 (45lb, COB) |
Alex | 2:53 (95lb) |
Jesse | 2:23 (95lb, COB) |
Carissa | 3:19 (55lb) |
Liz | 3:08 (67lb, COB) |
Teeny | 6:22 (57lb, GB) |
Zoom | 4:23 (45lb, COB) |
Megan | 3:56 (40lb, RB) |
Jeff | 3:50 (65lb, RB) |
Schittone | 3:08 (70lb) |
Crash | 4:25 (40lb, BB) |
SanJay | 4:29 (55lb) |