WOD 5/10
A. 15:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Front Squat
Min 2 – 3 Strict Static Dips
Min 3 – Rest
*Build each set, goal is to a heavy challenging weight but does not have to be a max
B. 10 Thrusters @ 135 / 85 / 55
50 Double Unders
8 Thrusters
40 Double Unders
6 Thrusters
30 Double Unders
4 Thrusters
20 Double Unders
2 Thrusters
10 Double Unders
*Time recorded
Scaling Guide:
– 4-11 minutes, about 3-5 minutes for the 10/50 and the 8/40 rep rounds (which is more than half of the reps).
Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds
16 suitcase lunge steps
200m run
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” – Abraham Lincoln