WOD 5/11

Buy In/Cash Out

5 Rounds
Press+Push Press+Jerk 2+2+1
Rest :30
5/ side Walking Lunges
Rest 2:00


Quarter Gone Bad
5 Rounds for total reps of:
:15 Thrusters (135lbs, 95lbs)
:45 Rest
:15 Weighted Pull-ups (50lbs, 20lbs)
:45 Rest
:15 Burpees
:45 Rest

The way to know life is to love many things. -Vincent Van Gogh

Abstainer or Moderator
*Post thoughts to comments

– Chad starts a new round of O-Lifting classes TOMORROW, May 12th!!  Sign up here.
– Muddy Buddy is coming up on May 14-15th.  If you are interested in participating, sign up here!!
– Ladies’ Night Saturday May 14th at 5:30pm at El ChileWe will be starting at El Chile and then heading across the street to Roller Derby!! Here is more information.
– Saturday, May 21st, bring your friends and family and let them experience CrossFit for themselves!  Sign them up here for a free workout.
– Murph Day 2011 is here!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up here to attend.

AM Results
Mikey 75 (107lbs, BB)
Andrew 65 (85lbs, RR)
Erica 56 (55lbs, GB)
Dana 68 (55lbs, RR)
Mego 59 (50lbs, RR)
MG Jenny 68 (45lbs, RR)
Chaz 60 (80lbs, 35lbs)
Matthew 89 (105lbs, RB)
Tow Matt 79 (95lbs, RB)
Teeny 85 (65lbs, RR)
Rob 88 (125lbs, 35lbs)
Ray 87 (95lbs, 35lbs)
Kelly 74 (65lbs, RR)
Letty 61 (65lbs, BB)
Jenny 60 (45lbs, GB)
John D. 85 (95lbs, 10lbs)
Jesse 80 (85lbs, GB)
Senator 58 (85lbs, GB)
PM Result
Jon 98 (BWT)
Colleen 57 (45lbs, Holds)
Amy 72 (40lbs, RR)
Carissa 93 (75lbs, BWT)
Andre 40 (95lbs, Holds)
Betsy 81 (78lbs, BWT)
Winner 50 (65lbs, Hold)
Boone 93 (FS, C35lbs)
Stacey 110 (TTB)
Leigh 105 (TTB)
Liz 57 (Hold)
Cody 73 (20 lb)
Ryan 75 (95lbs, BWT)
Julie 73 (35lbs,Hold)
Jables 54 (65lbs, Hold)
Zoom 49 (65lbs, Hold)
Crash 67 (55lbs, RR)
David 60 (Hold)
G ? (65lbs, Hold)
Christy 79 (65lbs, BWT)
Allie 54 (45lbs,  RR)
Fro 84 (125, PU)
Ross 80 (95, PU)
Ryan 91 (95, PU)
Jennifer 66 (50, Hold)
Jen 66 (45, Hold)
Sleeves 86 (115, CTB)
Alex 82 (115, PU)
Debbie 63 (65, RR)
Jesse 85 (95, PU)
Schittone 81 (45, PU)
Jessica 76 (60, PU)
Patrick 112 (105, +20)
Danny 65 (115, PU)
Sherman 81 (105, PU)
Lana 67 (45, Hold)
On Ramp
Kristen 4.33
Caitlin 3
Chrissy 3.66
Bryan 4.33
Houston 4.66