WOD 5/12

4 Sets
6 Back Squats (appx. 60-65% of 1 RM)
AMRAP Ring Dips
Rest 1:30 between sets
*Post Back Squat loads and Ring Dip totals to comments


3 Rounds
5 Power Snatches (95 lb, 65 lb)
7 Burpees
1 Hill Sprint
Rest 2:00

The power of imagination makes us infinite. –John Muir

Have we forgotten how to concentrate?

– There are still spots available for the  Whole 9 Nutrition Workshop on Saturday, May 22nd.
Email Me for your free assessment

AM Results
Liz 10:19 (45 lb)
Ariel 8:06 (MOD)
Ali 9:42 Rx
Bill 10:20 (35 lb, Sprawl)
Stephen 7:38 (75 lb)
Ray 7:36 (75 lb)
Rob 7:48 Rx
Chaz 8:00 (75 lb)
Ainsley 8:20 (MOD)
Steph 9:00 (35 lb)
Amber 8:19 (45 lb)
PM Results
Cat 8:49 (45lb)
G 7:57 (45lb)
Ryan 8:05 (75lb)
Cody 7:54 Rx
Winner 8:04 (35lb)
Tasha 8:33 (35lb)
Claire 7:33 (35lb)
Rene 8:12 (35lb)
Tristy 7:59 Rx
Boone 7:12 Rx
Cari 8:01 (35lb)
Dave 8:27 Rx
Jess 8:13 (35lb)
Betsy 7:57 Rx
Carissa 8:25 (35lb)
Darlene 8:39 (35lb)
Anthony 9:53 (35lb)
Genie 11:05 (15lb)
Flury 9:15 (45lb)
Laura 9:37 (35lb)
Peter 8:07 (65lb)
On Ramp
Bonnie 5:06
Charlie 5:20
Spencer 4:44