WOD 5/14

Performance (Level 2) – Week 1 of 8  “Aerobic/Strength Foundation”
A. Push Press x6x4 Rest 2:00
*Choose a weight that moves quickly when maximal force is applied to the weight.
*PVC Circuit During Rest (Pass thrus, Wide Rotations, Snatch Grip Rotations)
3 Rounds
:30 Wall Ball
:30 Rest
:30 Abmat Sit-ups
:30 Rest
:30 Burpee
:30 Rest
1:00 Row Max Meter
2:00 Rest
*Record Total Max meters

Foundations (Level 1) (Test)
Kip Swing/Jumping Pull-up Progression

A.  1 Mile Time Trial  (15 Minute Cap)
*Time Recorded
4 Rounds for Time
6 Kip/Jump Pull-ups
8 DB Walking Lunges (Total)
20 Single Jumps
*Total Time Recorded

 “If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.” -Michael Jordan


Performance – AM
Big Spoon 955
Joe Dan 926
Gage 901
Carlos 757
Gaby 709
Sissy 581
JV 719
Lee 770
Kara 722
Jo 758
Valyn 646
Aubrey 836
J-Mo 687
Gwar 796
Red 684
Vanessa 779
Jose 759
Brian H. 928
Valenza 825
Ballet 859
Jessie 722
Michele 668
Diana  702
Chaz 985
Wood 880
Bryan 834
Ray 823
Performance -Ladies
Sarah 754
Mer 765
Jenny 718
Josie 780
Paula 656
Amber 785
E-Rod 640
Jen 785
Jeff 660
Kat 673
Gabriel 755
Gil 706
Heather 733
Andrew 701
Ruffino 748
Brian 779
Pinky 746
Kari 790
Nicole 616
AG 1037
David 945
KT 713
Tasha 729
Robert 928
Jessica 728
Smitty 728
Bradley 1069
Nicole 785
KJ 770
C2 790
Can2 919
Andy 700
Sadie 701
Melissa 750
Foundations – AM
Meggie 8:27
Raj 8:20
Steve 8:07
Patrick 9:07
Lisa 9:48
Foundations -PM
Ana 4:52
Marissa 4:59
Estaban 5:31
Kellie 4:34
Whitney 5:18
Elorra 4:47
Heather 4:50