WOD 5/17

All Levels
8:00 AMRAP
400m Run
10 KB Russian Swing
10 UB Push ups
Rest 2:00

8:00 AMRAP
500m Row
10 KB Russian Swings
5 UB Push ups
*80-90% of Max Aerobic Effort
*Record Total Rounds on both AMRAP’s separately

Evolution of Mahdi Te Heuheu (Article from yesterday’s podcast)
*Post thoughts to comments

“I don’t believe you have to be better than everyone else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.” -Ken Venturi


Regionals 2013 in 1 week!

Jo 2 2
Kara 3 2
Meggy 2 2
Sissy 2 2
Sarah 2 2
Gage 3 2
Joe Dan 3 2
Phillip 3 2
Diana 2 2
Marissa 2 2
Jillian 3 2
Kyle 3 3
Ismael 3 2
Jose 2 2
Ed 2 2
Gwar 2 2
Mer 2 2
Ross 2 2
Coco 2 2
Ginny 2 2
Cat 2 2
Lane 3 2
Evan 2 2
Patrick 3 2