WOD 5/18

Kip Pull-up Practice


3 Rounds
400 M Run
21 KB Swings (24K, 16K)
12 Pull-ups

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. – Anais Nin

Slowing time with new experiences
*Post thoughts to comments

– Saturday, May 21st, bring your friends and family and let them experience CrossFit for themselves!  Sign yourseld and guests up here for a free workout.
– Murph Day 2011 is here!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up here to attend.

AM Results
Nick 10:37 Rx
Mike 10:52 Rx
Mikey 13:44 (GB)
Erica 12:05 (12K, J)
Andrew 15:46 (J)
Mego 16:39 (12K, J)
Tow Matt 12:42 (Row)
Matthew 14:20 (16K)
9am 14:54 (J)
Teeny 15:15 (12K, J)
MG Jenny 18:35 (Row, 12K, J)
Ivan 12:51 Rx
Ray 9:18 (16K)
PM Results
Kaz 11:13 (BB)
Cody 10:53 Rx
Stephanie 13:07 (BB)
Winner 15:51 Rx
Stacey 9:26 Rx
Nick 9:09 Rx
Blake 11:20 Rx
Jon 10:07 Rx
Wes 11:55 Rx
Randy 13:02 (Jump)
Kristie 13:03 (12k, BB)
Anthony 13:06 (16k, Jump)
Christy 10:37 Rx
Schittone 12:29 (16k)
Jesse 12:45 (16k)
JJ 14:57 (16k)
Ryan 13:09 (20k)
Alex 10:39 Rx
Chaz 12:56 Rx
David 12:54 Rx
Zayra 13:33 (12k, BB)
Jenn 12:18 Rx
Liz 17:46 Rx
Jennifer 12:15 (12k, BB)
Zoom 14:40 Rx
Cat 15:22 Rx
Fro 13:19 Rx
Betsy 12:05 Rx
Crash 14:21 (BB, 12k)
G 14:38 Rx
Tasha 12:38 (RB)
Colleen 13:24 (GB)
Boone 9:48 Rx
Nikki 15:00 Rx
Kirk 12:20 Rx
Amy 16:18 (12k, Jump)
On Ramp
Huston 3:35
Bryan 3:52
Chrissy 4:30
Caitlyn 5:09