WOD 5/20

Foundations & Performance

8 Rounds AFAP
3 Hang Squat Cleans @ 135 / 95
5 Pull-up
100 M Run
2:00 Rest
*Avg. Interval Time Recorded

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” –Jesse Owens

5.20 blaz

CFA Regionals Team Member: Blaz Ruzic

5.20 gold

CFA Regionals Team Member: Alex Gold

3 Days Until Regionals!

Performance & Foundations
Ebelia :53
Suzy :44
Ivan :37
Bev :44
Sarah :46
Adrian :50
Lee :53
Kara :46
Braden :51
Abby :44
Maureen :46
Michelle :49
Sissy :47
Chris :43
Fernando :52
Gage :40
Mel :46
Matt :42
Vy :44
Ryan :51
Stephen :50
Mr.T :58
LaShea :52
Jose :57
Page :38
Jillian :56
Jables :59
Jessie 1:07
Claudia :59
Silas :53
Eric :43
Brian :42
Ballet :46
Scott :54
Erica :52
Ray :45
Ian :38
Ladies Class
Mer :61
Kayleen :56
All Levels – Noon
Walker :44
Alex 1:02
Malia 1:09
Adrian :58
Todd :34
Performance & Foundations – PM
Jessica :47
Gil :43
Mary :58
Jeri :56
Amber :56
Matt :45
Kline :47
Pam :58
Stephanie :52
Fro 1:01
Sean :50
Adrian :41
Dylan :52
Kim :54
Sydney :50
Heather :45
Chris 1:01
Simon 1:00
AG :48