WOD 5/20

5 Rounds
10 Muscle Cleans  (95 lbs, 65 lbs)
10 Box Jumps
10 Pull-ups

Build up your weaknesses until they become your strong points.-Knute Rockne

Since its football theme day… The ultimate Paleo Linbacker

**Holiday Hours**
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 6:30 AM-10:30 AM

Happy hour tomorrow night @ Little Woodrows after the 6:30 PM class

dsc_0165CrossFit Football

AM Results
Keir 11:45 Rx+CTB
Laura 10:06 (15 lb, 12″, Jump x1.5)
Michael 10:02 (85 lb)
Stephen 10:32 (75 lb)
Sunny 10:41 (45 lb)
Jennie 9:06 (25 lb, Jump)
PM Results
Melanie 9:33 (50 lb, Jump)
Blake 11:21 Rx
Kristin 12:14 (55lb, White Band)
Boone 8:51 Rx+CTB
Bill 12:30 (35lb, 12″ Box, Ring Rows)
Sherman 13:59 Rx
Duncan 11:43 (65lb)
Tristy 8:44 (Jump)
Stacey 8:25 Rx
Smeth 9:33 (85lb)+CTB
Ashley 9:26 (45lb, 12″ Box, Jump)
Wes 10:05 Rx+115lb+CTB
Aurelia 11:30 (25lb, 12″ Box, Ring Rows)
Jake 3:33 (50 Squats, 500m Row)