WOD 5/22

Level Two
A1. Seat Medball Twist Throws x5/side x2 Rest :45
A2. Lateral Goblet Lunges x5/sidex3 Rest :45

800 M Run
10 Rounds of Cindy
1 Mile Run

Level One (Day 5)
Ring Dip progressions
Wall Balls

3 Rounds (3:00 on/ 1:00 off)
200 M Run
5 Wall Balls
5 Push-ups
5 Sit-ups w/ MB
*Record total rounds
*When the second rounds starts, athletes should start where they finished in round one

What is the best rate to lose fat?
*Post thoughts to comments

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn


  • Jog’N’Joe Running Group will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with FREE coffee afterwards! Learn more here!
  • Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! Learn more here!
  • Starting June 5th, Olympic Lifting Coach Chad Vaughn will begin offering Noon classes at CFA! Get in on the action here!
  • Level 3 Classes are coming to CFA.  Get ready for the 2013 CrossFit Games here!
AM – Level 1 
JP 6 3/4
Natalia 4
Abbi 4
Allison 3
AM – Level 2 
Doug 25:25 Rx
Charlie 25:55 Rx
Mike 24:41 Rx
JV 27:20 (Band, Knee)
Janice 26:07 (Knee, Jump)
Guthrie 28:48 Rx
Kristin 32:17 Rx
Mego 1189m (Row)
Brandon 31:28 (Band)
Ballet 22:00 Rx
Michael 23:53 Mod
Eric 25:47 Rx
Tim 28:11 Rx
Schittone 27:03 Rx
Bryan 27:16 Rx
Tow Matt 28:45 Rx
Kavi 28:37 Rx
Valyn 31:31 (Knee, Jump)
9am 30:08 (Jump)
Ed 32:18 (Knee, Jump)
Fro 31:04 Rx
Mrs. Fro 35:00 (Knee, Jump)
Erica 28:04 (Jump)
Christina 28:52 (Knee, Jump)
Ray 22:16 Rx
Gary 32:19 (Knee)
AM – Ladies’
Jenny 27:06 (Knee, Jump)
L.V. 28:40 (Knee, Jump)
Michelle 30:53 (Knee, Jump)
Mer 35:40 (Knee, Jump)
Taylor 33:34 (Knee, Jump)
12P – Level 1
PM – Level 2
Jables 31:57 (Knee)
Crash 38:47 (Knee, Jump)
Danimal 23:16 Rx
Brittani 29:32 (Knee, Jump)
Tasha DNF
Nic 18:53 Rx
Lane 21:56 Rx
Kline 24:34 Rx
Stacey 19:54 Rx
Erin 38:00 Rx
Kaz 24:59 Rx
LG 36:30 (Knee, Jump)
Miguel 18:56 Rx
Greg 20:07 Rx
Wood 27:51 Rx
Angela 26:42 (Knee)
Desiree 36:02 (Knee, Jump)
Denise 29:48 (Knee, Jump)
George 25:14 (Jump)
Gold 17:20 Rx
Marissa 28:00 (Knee)
Leah 31:11 (Knee, Jump)
Big Shug 38:12 (Knee, Jump)
Sanchez 27:51 Rx
Janet 31:04 (Knee, Jump)
Corey 23:47 Rx
Nicole 25:27 (Knee, Jump)
Paul 36:40 (Knee, Jump, 3/4 mile)
E Rod 30:42 (Jump)
Rocky 43:00 Rx
Andy 26:37 (Jump)