WOD 5/25

Buy in/Cash out
Hip Bridges x10×3  @ 3023

15 Minutes of
Handstand Practice


3 Rounds of
5 Minute AMRAP
200 M Run
10 V-ups
8 Lunges/leg
rest 2:00

Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it. -Horace Mann

Suffer for 15 minutes a day
*Post thoughts to comments

Murph Day 2011 is almost here get signed-up!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up here to attend.

AM Results
Ivan 6 (ROM)
Letty 6 (PPU)
Mego 3 (KPU)
Matthew 7 (ROM)
Tow Matt 6 (ROM)
Kirk 7 (PPU)
Chaz 6 (PPU)
Teeny 6 (PPU)
Jables 6 (PPU)
MG Jenny 3 (PPU)
Ray 6 Rx
Erica 5 (PPU)
Liz 4 (PPU)
Jesse 6 (PPU)
Rob 6 Rx
Stephen 4 (PPU)
Zoom 5 (PPU)
John D. 6 (ROM)
Ryan 6 (PPU)
Sherman 6 (PPU)
Senator 3 (PPU)
PM Results
Blake 6 (Rx)
Cat 5 (PPU)
Nikki 6 (ROM)
Stephanie 6 (PPU)
Colleen 6 (PPU)
Crash 4 (PPU)
Cody 6 (PPU)
G 6 (PPU)
Danny 6 (ROM)
Tristy 6 (MOD)
Anthony 4 (PPU)
Winner 6 (KPU)
Aubrey 6 (KPU)
Kristy 6 (PPU)
Boone 6 Rx
Ryan 6 (ROM)
Christy 5 Rx
Jesse 6 Rx
Schittone 6 (PPU)
Jes 3 (KPU)
Prince 4 (PPU)
Elena 6 (PPU)
Alex 6 (PPU)
Jeff 6 Rx
Lana 6 (PPU)
Meghan 6 (PPU)
Jenn 6 (PPU)
On Ramp
Julia 3.33
Drew 5.66
Courtney 3.66
Sanchez 4
Niki 5